American Phantasmagoria ( meets Macbeth in 2023.

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DPQuinn | New Jersey 1/8/22

Woe is us(a). Microtonally, at least the Republicans told djt to cancel his PR not “news” conference stunt on 1/6/22. The ‘dagger at our throat” is most apt with the releases of Denzel Washington in Tragedy of Macbeth. “FOUL IS FAIR; and FAIR IS FOUL never resonated so profoundly in our time.

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This sounds thrilling unlike the MACBETH fiasco at Lincoln Center or NJShakespeare Festival. The edition on PBS with Patrick Stewart was also gripping. As was the Giorgio Strehler production of Verdi’a opera MACBETH (photo above) at the Kennedy Center and at LaScala in Milan.

  1. ‘Tragedy of Macbeth’ Review: The Thane, Insane, Slays Mainly in Dunsinane

Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand play a toxic power couple in Joel Coen’s crackling adaptation of Shakespeare’s Scottish play. By A.O. SCOTT

American Phantasmagoria

By Daniel P Quinn, Designed by Kevin Kramer (

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danielpquinn | Newark, NJ 1/19/21

I completed my Trilogy AMERICAN PHANTASMAGORIA ( in 2020. It ends in chaos with a cameo appearance by djt.

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AMERICAN PHANTASMAGORIA ( includes my plays from SHORT PLAYS TO LONG REMEMBER (ed. by Francine Trevens). Finalist in Performing Arts category — 2012 USA Best Book AWARDS from BOOK NEWS! 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Finalist Award winner compiled and edited by Francine L. Trevens — an eclectic collection


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DPQuinn | New Jersey 1/7/22

The real issue here is MONEY once again. These litigants seemingly have MONEY on their side rather than process. The MEDIA than glares on these cases and more MONEY pours in. Perhaps we can send some of these litigants to take on lower cases from poor people for JUSTICE and the WHOLE TRUTH rather than MOMEY always rules.

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American Phantasmagoria (;

Newark, Italy and me (;

Exits and Entrances: Producing Off-Broadway, Opera and Beyond; “organized labor” ( for sale in 2023.