
PRIMO magazine contacted me to do some press coverage for my book: Newark, Italy and me (Lulu Books) in Washington, DC. With support from our patrons I was able to purchase some ad space for this collaboration in 2021.

Last year, I was unable to do so, so your support gives me a degree of flexibility to do this in 2021.

As most of you know we are an artist driven organization. While we appreciate that you have been receiving and opening our 57,000 emails which I have made a special effort to design and write for all of you.

We have also begun talking about new short film on the elapsed precipice of Columbus in tandem with my book: Newark, Italy and me on Lulu Books (2019).

We have begun turning to film with our recent Award from Paris to document our work as best we can. We would need seed money to start the film project this year.

Sharing our good news when we can. Perhaps you might also know other colleagues who might be interested in our Award winning work for 21/22.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel P Quinn,

Producing Director, ArtsPR.


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